Suatu pagi, kami jemput Client, orang tsb sudah tua. Bapak ini seorang pengusaha asal Singapura, logat bicaranya gaya melayu & english, beliau menceritakan pengalaman hidupnya pd kami : "your country is so rich!" (Negaramu sangat kaya) Dalam hatiku : "Ah biasa banget denger kalimat itu"
Tapi tunggu, dia berkata: "Indonesia doesn't need the world, but the world needs Indonesia,". "Everything can be found here in Indonesia, you don't need the world." (Dunia yg butuh indonesia, bukan sebaliknya) Indonesia paru-paru dunia.Tebang saja hutan diKalimantan,dunia pasti kacau.
Singapura is nothing,we can't be rich without Indonesia. 500rb org Indonesia berlibur ke Singapura tiap bulan. Bisa terbayang uang yg masuk ke kami,apartemen2terbaru kami yg beli orang2 Indonesia, tdk peduli hargaselangit,laku keras. Lihatlah RSkami,isinya Indonesia semua. Trus,kalian tau bagaimana kalapnya pemerintah kami ketika asap kebakaran hutan Indonesia masuk? Sangat terasa,we are nothing! Kalian tau kan kalo kemarin dunia krisis beras.Termasuk di Singapura &Malaysia? Kalian di Indonesia dengan mudah dpt beras. Liatlah negara kalian,air bersih di mana2, liatlah negara kami,air bersih pun kami impor dari Malaysia. Saya ke Kalimantan pun dlm rangka bisnis, krn pasirnya mengandung permata. Terliat glitter kalo ada matahari bersinar. Penambang jual cuma Rp 3rb/kg ke pabrik China, si pabrik jual kembali seharga Rp 30rb/kg.
Kalian sadar tdk kalau negara2 lain selalu takut mengembargo Indonesia! Ya, karena negara kalian memiliki segalanya. Mereka takut kalau kalian manjadi mandiri, makanya tdk diembargo. Harusnya KALIANLAH YG MENG- EMBARGO DIRI KALIAN SENDIRI. Belilah pangan dr petani2 kita sendiri, belilah tekstil garmen dari pabrik2 sendiri. Tak perlu impor kalau bisa produk sendiri. Jika kalian bisa mandiri,bisa MENGEMBARGO DIRI SENDIRI, INDONESIA WILL RULE THE WORLD!! (Indonesia akan mengatur dunia)
Share biar sampe ke seluruh bangsa Indonesia!
Have you ever thought who am i? what have i done? what should i do? or maybe what do i really want to do in this life? That's what i am trying to find out in my life now.
Selasa, 30 Juli 2013
1. As = orang bodoh ; keledai
2. Ass = pantat
3. Askum = celakalah kamu
4. Assamu = racun
5. Samlekum = matilah kamu
6. Salom/syalom= dari bhs Ibrani untuk sesama kristen dan ada 263 kata di dalam kitab perjanjian lama dan perjanjian baru.
7. Mikum = dari bahasa Ibrani Mari Bercinta.
Yuk kita lihat isi surat Nabi Sulaiman dalam Al-Quran :
"Innahu min Sulaimana wa innahu Bismillahirohmaanir rohiim 'ala ta'lu 'alayya wa'tunil muslimina tho'inalloha robbal 'aalamiin."
Salam pendek, salam sedang dan salam panjang telah dicontohkan oleh Nabi dan tidak merubah makna aslinya :
1. Salam pendek : "Assalamualaikum". dengan 10 kebaikan.
2. Salam sedang : "Assalamualaikum warohmatulloh".dengan 20 kebaikan.
3. Salam panjang : "Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh". dengan kebaikan sempurna.
tolong jangan di abaikan begitu saja..
1. As = orang bodoh ; keledai
2. Ass = pantat
3. Askum = celakalah kamu
4. Assamu = racun
5. Samlekum = matilah kamu
6. Salom/syalom= dari bhs Ibrani untuk sesama kristen dan ada 263 kata di dalam kitab perjanjian lama dan perjanjian baru.
7. Mikum = dari bahasa Ibrani Mari Bercinta.
Yuk kita lihat isi surat Nabi Sulaiman dalam Al-Quran :
"Innahu min Sulaimana wa innahu Bismillahirohmaanir rohiim 'ala ta'lu 'alayya wa'tunil muslimina tho'inalloha robbal 'aalamiin."
Salam pendek, salam sedang dan salam panjang telah dicontohkan oleh Nabi dan tidak merubah makna aslinya :
1. Salam pendek : "Assalamualaikum". dengan 10 kebaikan.
2. Salam sedang : "Assalamualaikum warohmatulloh".dengan 20 kebaikan.
3. Salam panjang : "Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh". dengan kebaikan sempurna.
tolong jangan di abaikan begitu saja..
☑ Man Jadda Wa Jadda (Siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh akan berhasil)
☑ Man Shobaro Zafiro (Siapa yang bersabar akan beruntung)
☑ Man Saro Darbi Ala Washola (Siapa yang berjalan di jalur-Nya akan sampai)
Semoga kita semua bisa
☑ Man Jadda Wa Jadda (Siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh akan berhasil)
☑ Man Shobaro Zafiro (Siapa yang bersabar akan beruntung)
☑ Man Saro Darbi Ala Washola (Siapa yang berjalan di jalur-Nya akan sampai)
Semoga kita semua bisa
‘‘PERCAKAPAN UANG Rp 1.000,- & Rp 100.000,-’’
Rp 1.000 : ‘‘Enak yaa jadi kamu... Selalu berkeliaran di tempat mewah...?!?’’
Rp 100.000 : ‘‘Emang bener aku selalu ditempat mewah, tapi aku juga sering digunakan untuk kejahatan. Seperti buat menyuap, buat korupsi, buat narkoba. Sebenernya aku pengen deh sekali² kaya kamu, masuk ke dalam kotak amal, tapi sangat jarang orang yang mau memasukan aku ke kotak amal...!!!’’
Rp 1.000 : ‘‘Betul juga yaaa... Kalo aku yang paling sering dipake buat ngasih pengemis, pengamen, trus aku hampir tiap hari masuk kotak amal...!!!’’
Rp 100.000 : ‘‘Mudah²an setelah Sahabat ngebaca status ini banyak yang mau memasukan aku ke dalam kotak amal dengan niat yang ikhlas...!!!’’
Rp 1.000 : ‘‘Aamiin... Aamiin... Aamiin yaa Rabb...!!!’’
______________________________ ____________
Rp 100.000 : ‘‘Emang bener aku selalu ditempat mewah, tapi aku juga sering digunakan untuk kejahatan. Seperti buat menyuap, buat korupsi, buat narkoba. Sebenernya aku pengen deh sekali² kaya kamu, masuk ke dalam kotak amal, tapi sangat jarang orang yang mau memasukan aku ke kotak amal...!!!’’
Rp 1.000 : ‘‘Betul juga yaaa... Kalo aku yang paling sering dipake buat ngasih pengemis, pengamen, trus aku hampir tiap hari masuk kotak amal...!!!’’
Rp 100.000 : ‘‘Mudah²an setelah Sahabat ngebaca status ini banyak yang mau memasukan aku ke dalam kotak amal dengan niat yang ikhlas...!!!’’
Rp 1.000 : ‘‘Aamiin... Aamiin... Aamiin yaa Rabb...!!!’’
Erdogan Kecam Pembantaian Militer atas Rakyat Mesir
Erdogan Kecam Pembantaian Militer atas Rakyat Mesir
Nah... ini baru kepala negara yang care! Perdana Menteri Turki, Recep Tayyip Erdogan mengecam keras penyerangan polisi Mesir atas pendukung presiden terpilih Muhammad Mursi yang dilakukan di tengah bulan suci Ramadhan. Hal itu disampaikannya dalam buka bersama dengan serikat pengusaha Turki.
“Kita melihat bahwa hati mereka sedikitpun tidak melunak, sekalipun Ramadhan. Ketika kaum Muslimin sedang mempersiapkan sahur, pembantaian (kembali) terjadi di Mesir. 200 orang jadi martir (syahid). Setelah menggangsir kehendak rakyat, mereka yang menggulingkan pemerintah kini membantai rakyat.
Rakyat Mesir sedang menunjukkan kehormatan mereka di hadapan kudeta militer selama berminggu-minggu. Mereka tidak memiliki bom molotov ataupun senjata, mereka hanya memiliki kesabaran. Mereka melarang vandalisme. Apa yang tidak terjadi di negara kita sedang terjadi di Kairo dan Alexandria.
SEBELUM tidur, Rasulullah SAW berpesan kepada Aisyah RA :
"Ya Aisyah jangan engkau tidur sebelum melakukan empat perkara, yaitu :
1. Sebelum khatam Al Qur'an
2. Sebelum membuat para Nabi memberimu syafaat di hari akhir
3. Sebelum para muslim meridhoi kamu
4. Sebelum kau laksanakan haji dan umroh"
Bertanya Aisyah :
"Ya Rasulullah.. Bagaimana aku dapat melaksanakan empat perkara seketika?"
Rasul tersenyum dan bersabda :
1. "Jika engkau tidur bacalah :
"Ya Aisyah jangan engkau tidur sebelum melakukan empat perkara, yaitu :
1. Sebelum khatam Al Qur'an
2. Sebelum membuat para Nabi memberimu syafaat di hari akhir
3. Sebelum para muslim meridhoi kamu
4. Sebelum kau laksanakan haji dan umroh"
Bertanya Aisyah :
"Ya Rasulullah.. Bagaimana aku dapat melaksanakan empat perkara seketika?"
Rasul tersenyum dan bersabda :
1. "Jika engkau tidur bacalah :
Minggu, 21 Juli 2013
By or Bye?
So what's the difference between "by" and "bye"?
"By" is a very common word that has many different meanings.
Here are some common ones together with examples.
1) Near somebody or something.
- I am standing by the tree.
- She will be waiting by the bus station.
- The car is by the house.
2) Not later than a certain time.
- I will be home by seven o'clock.
- Mr. Jones will return by next week.
- I'm sure you will finish your homework by dinner.
3) Used to show who did the action.
- The window was broken by Joe.
- The robber was caught by the police.
- He was hit by a car.
Now, the word "bye" is a totally different story...
Bye = a short informal version of the word "goodbye."
This is a word you use when you leave, or when someone else leaves.
- Bye! See you soon!
- Bye for now!
- Bye-bye, see you next week.
"Bye" is a shortened version of "goodbye."
The word "goodbye" comes from "godbwye."
This is the short form of "God be with ye," which means "God be with you."
This is the short form of "God be with ye," which means "God be with you."
Ensure or Insure?
Let's take a look at these two:
Ensure = to make sure that something happens or that something is true.
- We will ensure that you get what you paid for.
- Can you ensure I have access to the database?
- Please ensure that the lights are off.
- They want to ensure this doesn't happen again.
Now, the word "insure" has a different meaning.
Insure = to buy insurance for something. Insurance is an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs if you are sick, or if you have an accident, injury, etc.
- The house is insured for 100,000 dollars.
(Meaning, you can get up to 100,000 dollars if something happens to it.) - The painting is insured against theft.
(Meaning, you may be paid if it is stolen.) - She has insured herself against sickness.
(Meaning, she may be paid if she becomes ill.)
Important note:
In American English "insure" can be used with the meaning of "ensure."
For example: "I can insure you that he will not leave the house."
Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013
My Very Talented Friend
She is my friend, she is one of my inspiration to always have spirit and be organized person.
She is my inspiration to have a real achievement in my life.
She makes me happy to read a lot of her writings in her blog
This is her first book,
cool, right?
What i like from her writing is her diction and feeling when i read them.
It feels so natural and beyond of my ordinary words.
Just prove it by reading them by yourself.
Best wishes for you Luisa Aristy.
Because of her dedication in writing, she finally get the reward.
Congratulations my dear friend...
keep writing and spirited.
She is my inspiration to have a real achievement in my life.
She makes me happy to read a lot of her writings in her blog
This is her first book,
cool, right?
What i like from her writing is her diction and feeling when i read them.
It feels so natural and beyond of my ordinary words.
Just prove it by reading them by yourself.
Best wishes for you Luisa Aristy.
Because of her dedication in writing, she finally get the reward.
Congratulations my dear friend...
keep writing and spirited.
Every Student or Every Students?
Hi there,
So should you say "every student" or "every students"?
Tricky one, isn't it? :-)
Well, the rule is the following:
"Every" is always followed by a singular verb.
That's because we refer to every single item, and NOT to all of them combined.
So the correct phrase is "every student."
Some more examples:
- Every students in the class must do the exam.
- Every student have has a teacher.
Here are some incorrect examples:
- Every words are important.
- Every moments are new.
- Every parent are present in the meeting.
And these are the same sentences, corrected:
- Every word is important.
- Every moment is new.
- Every parent is present in the meeting.
Ad or Add?
So what's the difference between "ad" and "add"?


Ad = advertisement = a picture, short film, etc. that tells people about a product, service or job.
- "We put an ad in the newspaper."
- "He doesn't like to see ads on TV."
- "This is an ad for a new English course."

Add = to put something together with something else --> +.
The Many Meanings of the Word "Run"
One of the most frequent words in English is "run", but did you know it has over 40 different meanings?
Well, it does. We won't go over all of them in this e-mail, but we'll definitely cover the important ones for you to know.
So here are the meanings and examples of the word "run" (past tense: "ran").
Meaning #1: to move very quickly.
- He ran after the bus, but it didn't help.
- The children are running up and down the stairs.
- He is too old to run.
Meaning #2: to work or operate.
How to Use Grammar?
Grammar is simply the way we combine words together so that other people can understand us.
For example:
- The sentence "The pretty is dress" is difficult to understand.
- The sentence "The dress is pretty" is clear.
- The sentence "She is ate lunch" is difficult to understand.
- The sentence "She is eating lunch" is clear.
- The sentence "John is the more old Lisa" is difficult to understand.
- The sentence "John is older than Lisa" is clear.
So clear communication (expressing ideas and giving information) is the real purpose of grammar, and we shouldn't forget that.
There are many rules, but what's the ultimate goal?
The ultimate goal is understanding other people and being understood by them.
By knowing grammar very well you can get across exactly what you want to say.
Fish --> Fishes?
English plural forms tend to be pretty simple, in most cases.
You usually add s/es/ies in the end of the word and your job is done.
kid -> kids
box -> boxes
baby -> babies
However, some words change differently.
"Must Not" or "Don't Have To"?
What's the difference between "must not" and "don't have to"?
Must Not
Must not = mustn't = this is not allowed / this is against the rules.
"You mustn't drive further."

- "You mustn't smoke in here."
- "Kids must not drive."
- "You must not cross the road when there is a red light."
Don't Have To
Don't have to = this is not necessary / it's okay not to do it.
"You don't have to buy from him."

At, In or On?
The prepositions "at," "in" and "on" can be confusing for English learners. Their meaning is so close that it is sometimes hard to tell when to use each word!
Here are some guidelines to help you decide on the correct preposition to use:
1) When you want to speak about a precise time, use "at."
- The movie starts at nine o'clock.
- They arrived at 6 PM.
- The meeting is at 4:30 this afternoon.
2) When you want to speak about long periods of time (such as months, seasons, years, etc.), use "in."
- I returned to Canada in 1998.
Borrow or Lend?
So what's the difference between "borrowing" a book and "lending" a book?
"To borrow" means "to take something that belongs to someone else, and return it to them later."
- "Can I borrow your car?"
- "I need to return the book I borrowed from the library."
Present Progressive Tense for Future Activities
The following is an important thing to keep in mind when learning English verb tenses.
It is known that the present progressive tense is used for actions that are taking place now, or for actions that are temporary.
For example:
- We are having dinner at the moment.
(This happens right now.)
- He is renovating the house these days.
(This is a temporary action.)
However, the present progressive can also be used for planned future actions.
For example:
- We are celebrating tonight.
- She is starting a new job tomorrow.
So how can we distinguish between the present and the future?
Time expressions are used exactly for this purpose.
Future words, like "tomorrow," "next week," etc, indicate future actions.
Words like "now," "at this moment," "these days," etc, indicate actions in the present.
Which Word to Choose? Synonyms and Antonyms in English
English has an ability to express an idea or concept with the finest details possible.
This can be done using synonyms.
A synonym is a word with the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word.
For example, you could say, "Janet wears a blue hat and a red dress."
You could also say, "Janet sports a navy cloche and a burgundy gown."
Let's explain the second sentence:
"Sport" means "to wear in a proud way."
It is a synonym of "wear."
"Navy" means "very dark blue."
It is a synonym of "blue."
What Are Interjections and How to Use Them?
Interjections are sounds, words or phrases that express the speaker's emotion.
Here are some examples:
Ouch! It hurts!
Hmm... That's an interesting question.
Hey! What are you doing?
Wow, that's wonderful!
My goodness, what happened?

What is special about interjections is that they remain unaffected by the rest of the sentence. They do not change their form. They do not have singular/plural form, different tenses etc. Also, a single interjection can be considered as an entire sentence!
For example:
(That's the whole sentence...)
Here are some more examples:
How to use interjections
E.g. or I.e.?
So what's the difference between "e.g." and "i.e."?
These two come from Latin and they are quite common in English writing.
Here is a short explanation on what they mean and how to use them properly.
E.g. stands for the Latin phrase "exempli gratia," which means "for example."
Good English Dictionaries
are you using good English dictionaries?
Dictionaries are very important tools for both English teachers and students. They make things clearer, give valuable information about vocabulary, and in many cases help teach grammar.
With that said, you should know how to choose your dictionaries.
There are some excellent English-English dictionaries, such as the Unabridged Merriam-Webster, that can make the learner run away in horror... It is simply way too big and complicated for the average learner.
Actually, it can even be way too big and complicated for the average English speaker!
Other dictionaries can be too small. They may have too little words, and too little information for each word. So they can have little or no use.
The trick is to select the perfect one for you.
You should ask yourself the following questions:
- Are the definitions clear to me? Can I easily understand them?
- Does it give enough example sentences? (These are highly helpful.)
- Does this dictionary have most of the words I am looking for?
- Can I get it together with a handy CD? How about an online version or a smartphone application? (This can actually be very useful and time saving!)
There are other features that make a dictionary more worthwhile, such as many illustrations, usage notes, grammar notes, and other cool extras - so you might want to look for those too.
Did you know many good and popular dictionaries have a free online version?
You can read about them, and about other recommended dictionaries in the English Dictionarysection.
Jumat, 19 Juli 2013
Good or Well?
So what's the difference between "good" and "well"?
"She is a good student."

These sentences are correct:
- Sam is a good boy.
- They live in a good house.
- This is not a good place stay in.
These sentences are incorrect:
- Sam behaves good.
- They eat good.
- She sings really good.
"Well" is usually an adverb, and it generally describes actions.
"She dances well."

These sentences are correct:
- Sam behaves well.
- They eat well.
- She sings really well.
These sentences are incorrect:
- Sam is a well boy.
- They live in a well house.
- This is not a well place live in.
Note: "Well" can be used as an adjective. In such cases, it is usually not used before the noun, and it means "healthy" or "in a good state."
"Saat muda tidak rajin, setelah tua baru menyesal"
"Saat muda tidak rajin, setelah tua baru menyesal"
Peribahasa ini ditujukan kepada anak muda yang suka bermalas-malasan tidak mau belajar, dan malas bekerja. Orangtua selalu mengatakan bahwa bila tidak rajin semasa muda, ia akan menyesal setelah tua.
Selain dalam hal belajar dan bekerja, selagi muda, kita juga harus rajin membantu orang lain dalam hal kebaikan. Agar kelak kita juga mendapatkan hal-hal yang baik pula.
Selagi muda, kita juga harus berbakti kepada orang tua kita, karena kita tidak tahu kapan ajal akan tiba. Bisa orangtua kita atau diri kita sendiri yang lebih awal meninggalkan dunia ini.
Selagi muda, kita juga harus memikirkan dan merencanakan masa depan kita. Persiapkan dari sekarang baik ilmu pengetahuannya maupun segi keuangannya.
Menabung yuk, tempat kita menabung juga bisa menentukan masa depan kita lho..
Hayo, lebih baik menabung di bank atau di _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ya?
siapa yang tahu?
ok... —
feeling good.
Peribahasa ini ditujukan kepada anak muda yang suka bermalas-malasan tidak mau belajar, dan malas bekerja. Orangtua selalu mengatakan bahwa bila tidak rajin semasa muda, ia akan menyesal setelah tua.
Selain dalam hal belajar dan bekerja, selagi muda, kita juga harus rajin membantu orang lain dalam hal kebaikan. Agar kelak kita juga mendapatkan hal-hal yang baik pula.
Selagi muda, kita juga harus berbakti kepada orang tua kita, karena kita tidak tahu kapan ajal akan tiba. Bisa orangtua kita atau diri kita sendiri yang lebih awal meninggalkan dunia ini.
Selagi muda, kita juga harus memikirkan dan merencanakan masa depan kita. Persiapkan dari sekarang baik ilmu pengetahuannya maupun segi keuangannya.
Menabung yuk, tempat kita menabung juga bisa menentukan masa depan kita lho..
Hayo, lebih baik menabung di bank atau di _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ya?
siapa yang tahu?
ok... —

How to Use Stative Verbs
Here is a quick reminder:
Dynamic = moving or changing.
Dynamic verbs are verbs that describe an action, not a state.
For example:
Take, break, eat, jump, work, find, buy, dance, fish.
Stative = having a state, or existing.
Stative verbs are verbs that describe a state, not an action.
For example:
Have, love, agree, be, want, hate, know, own, cost, sound, prefer, seem, hear.
Note that stative verbs usually describe:
- Relationships between things or people (for example, "have")
- Emotions or states of mind (for example, "love" and "agree")
- Appearance and senses (for example, "seem" and "hear")
- Measurements (for example, "weigh")
Using stative verbs
Stative verbs are not usually used in
Senin, 15 Juli 2013
Dynamic Verbs vs. Stative Verbs
Firstly, what do "stative" and "dynamic" mean?
Dynamic = moving or changing.
Stative = having a state, or existing.

Dynamic verbs are verbs that describe an action, not a state.
For example, "They are crossing the street."
Stative verbs are verbs that describe a state, not an action.
For example, "I love the winter."
English words - where do they come from?
This time I would like to talk with you about a topic relevant to vocabulary.
That topic is English word formation processes.
As any student soon discovers, English has a very rich vocabulary. But obviously, it didn't get all of its words at once. Most of the English words were gradually developed, some adopted, some simply invented.
By understanding these processes, you can get greater understanding of the background of English.
More importantly,
Reported Speech Basic Principle
Reported speech, also called indirect speech, is a BIG subject.
There are many different points to cover.
Here's just one example:
I am sorry. | ![]() |
He said he was sorry. |
Gerunds or Infinitives?
Gerunds and infinitives can be a bit confusing.
In other words, what is a gerund? What is an infinitive? And what's the difference?
Here is the short version:
Gerund = a noun made from a verb.
To make a gerund, you add "-ing" to the verb.
For example:
In the sent
English Parts of Speech + Quick Reference Table
There are eight different English parts of speech, but before we continue any further . . .
What is a Part of Speech?
A part of speech is a group of words that are used in a certain way.
For example, "run," "jump," and "be" are all used to describe actions/states.
For example, "run," "jump," and "be" are all used to describe actions/states.
Therefore they belong to the VERBS group.
"Table," "cow" and "London" are all used to name a person, place or thing.
Therefore they belong to the NOUNS group.
And so forth.
In other words, all words in the English language are divided into eight different categories.
In other words, all words in the English language are divided into eight different categories.
Each category has a different role/function in the sentence.
The English parts of speech are:
Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections .
It is important to know them well and recognize each one easily.
That will help you (or your students) better understand the building blocks of the English language and find the correct definition of a word in the dictionary.
The English parts of speech are:
Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections .
It is important to know them well and recognize each one easily.
That will help you (or your students) better understand the building blocks of the English language and find the correct definition of a word in the dictionary.
You see, since many words are used as several different parts of speech, recognizing the correct part of speech will allow you to locate the right definition more quickly.
Now, as a quick reference, you can use this table:
English Parts of Speech Quick Table
Part of Speech | Explanation | Examples |
Nouns | A word that names a person, a place or a thing | Boy, Sam, cat, Paris |
Pronouns | A word that is used instead of a noun | He, my, yourself |
Adjectives | A word that describes a person or thing | pretty, easy, fat |
Verbs | A word or group of words that express an action or a state | go, jump, be, think |
Adverbs | A word that describes or gives more information about a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or even the entire sentence | quickly, tomorrow, outside |
Prepositions | A word that is used before a noun or a pronoun to connect it to another word in the sentence. It is usually used to show location, direction, time, and so forth. | on, in, to, from, of |
Conjunctions | A word that joins parts of a sentence together | and, or, but |
Interjections | A short sound, word or phrase used to express the speaker's emotion. | Wow, hmm, well, oh dear |
The Future Tense in English
The question was the following:
What's the difference between the simple future tense and the future progressive tense?
For example:
Simple future tense: "I will leave tomorrow."
Future progressive tense: "I will be leaving tomorrow."
Do they have the same meaning?
Basically, bo
Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013
Final Tip - How to Make Your Grammar Lessons More Interesting
In the last several e-mails we went over some useful tips on how to take your grammar lessons to the next level.
I hope you will benefit from it.
This time I will share with you not just tips, but a person! :-)
Her name is Elizabeth O'Brien, and you may have heard of her before.
She teaches homeschoolers and classroom teachers to be confident grammar instructors, and she has a wonderful website, full of materials to help you teach grammar.
I had the opportunity to interview her, and I would like to share this valuable interview with you:
Tip #4 - How to Make Your Grammar Lessons More Interesting
This e-mail contains tip #4 on how to increase interest, involvement and results when teaching grammar:
Tip #4
Go step by step.
Yes, there are many different grammar topics.
And yes, your student won't master English until they understand and can use many of them.
But in this case quality is more important than quantity.
Go over each subject until your student truly gets it. Until They can use it easily when reading,writing or speaking English.
Even after you fully cover that rule, go back to it in future lessons, and reinforce your student's understanding.
"Use It or loose It!" is the motto, so make sure the student continues to USE what they learn.
Next time I will share with you one final message on this important topic.
It will help you construct your lessons and make them more fun!
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